Tuesday, July 31, 2012

some ideas

I have some fantazmagorical ideas for my crafty friends and I to get together and make. I vow to make all my Christmas gifts...for all but Nick. I am planning a Christmas wreath making party...anyone interested? If you are in the area and want to be included...just leave me a comment or inbox me at nicksknacks03@gmail.com it's going to be fun! I also have in mind some good gifty ideas. I am planning on getting my "craft" on atleast one day a week once school starts to get ready for the holidays. I am not making any progress for the craft fair...it's so busy these days. And it seems like I am selling what I am making...not that I'm complaining! lol...I also just purchased some really rockin red stools for my kitchen counter....thank you Stacey from blessed nest! You guys are an inspiration for me to blog more and put up some cool stuff on my page. I am also going through my pins and making some of the things I pinned....should be fun!!!! So in the coming weeks I plan on posting a schedule of events, so to speak, of all the crafts we can make for gifts if I can get some of my ladies to craft! That means you too Blessed Nesters!!! Would love to get to meet you after all our emailin! Thank you for the stools...pics soon! Art on my friends!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

HOt Hot HoT!

Holy Hannah! It's hot!!! Thankfully my studio is cool....reaaaalllll cool! This week is VBS at our church so I am in the heat everyday this week! But only till noon thankfully! I have been getting some very awesome ideas from Pinterest! Anyone else addicted to that site??? I am! I love it! You can find anything on there! On another note...I'm Nick sick! He's been out in Ohio since the 4th and I won't see him until Monday the 23rd. I can't wait! This is the longest he's ever been away from home. We can't wait till we are all back together and life can get back to semi-normal! I am trying also to figure out the Linky Party on one of my favorite blogs...Embracing Change....I can't seem to follow directions right. And our summer is going very well. Hanging out with some of our dear friends and their kiddos! Sparklers all over and smores all yummy. Good stories and good laughs around the fire pit! Thanks Higgins'!!! And so much music fun with Frody Slamdunk and Ellie and the clan! Thanks guys! And while Nick is gone I totally re-did his bedroom! We got a Loft bed from our dear Stopyra's and we put it together and I decorated his room and made it so cool and fun for him. The best is he has no idea what we did! hahah...SUPRISE! Ahhhhh yes...I love suprises. So today is the half way point for VBS then it's off to Ohio and then back to work. I'm still waiting to re-vamp some more on my web-site.....maybe when it cools down! lol...ART ON!!!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Welcome Home!

The Haiti team is home! Thank you God for their safe return! I can't wait to see my friends tomorrow...by the way if any of my locals are looking for something to do tomorrow, come on over to Palmyra Park on Gumbletown Rd....Marc will be hosting a Praise and Worship hour. We are going to have a picnic lunch..bring your own...or you can join us at 5:30 for the music service! It should be a fun time! Hope we have good weather for it! Man I am missing my son! There...I said it! Lol...but I am getting a lot of painting done. Trying to find a store close to me that sells the Chalk Paint....then I'm going to start painting some of the furniture I've got! I forgot my camera last night otherwise there would be some pics on here of what I've been working on! Maybe later I will put them on here...whaddaya think? So excited...Art Tuesday is going to start this Tuesday at my very dear friend Lori's house! So excited!! Wish Nick was here to experience the fun! But I will do it for him! lol....well stay cool and...Art On!!!!

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Hello everyone! Hope your holiday was a "COOL" one. Literally..it was HOT! Well Nick is on vacation out in Ohio with his Grandparents. What to do...what to do?! Hahha...locking myself in my studio basement and not coming out till I am done! I have to thank all of my friends for all of their encouragement and kind words. I couldn't be happier that I am able to do what I love to do. I love to see all the Art going on with my friends and people I don't even know. I wish we could all get together and create because I think we'd make fabulous things! Anyway, I think I am going to start yard sale-ing...who's in? Need to find some interesting pieces to finish. And I need to find some Annie Sloan's Chalk Paint....I am hearing such good things. Also, if you are following this blog and know some good creative ideas, slap them on me! I am having a fun time learning how to blog and more fun creating things! Pics coming soon....as soon as I have time to hook up my camera and do it! Art on!

Monday, July 2, 2012

New look!

I am so excited to say that we are getting a new look on our blog! My friend Ellie is hookin' me up with some cool buttons and fabulous stuff. I will be posting some pics of a sign I just finished for my friends at Weichert Realty Paupack Group. I hope they like it...and order some more! This summer is going by so fast! I can't believe it's already July. Hoping things go as smoothly as they did in June! Anyway, going to the beach tomorrow...hope it's a good day....sunny and nice! So I will be posting some new stuff soon, and I am really trying to remember to BLOG! LOL! Art On!